2722 President Warns, 'This Time We Will ACTUALLY All Die Of Climate Change, By 2730, If 'We Don't Get Our Act Together'

July 18, 2722

President Joe Biden XXIV warns that by 2730, if 'we don't get our act together,' we will all die of climate change.
He continues, saying, 'I know we've been predicting worldwide desruction and doomsdays from climate change for hundreds of years, but this time it's actually for real, guys.'
He admonishes the nation with the prophetic warning that the only way to save the world is to eat only ants and aphids and to limit electricity usage to 2 watts per family member every week. This of course excludes World Economic Forum members and fellow elites.
Joe Biden XXIV humbly remarked that, 'I'm no prophet. I'm only getting this message from Klaus Schwab XXIX and Yuval Noah Harari The Fiftieth. Thank them for the prophetic foresight.'