How The "Progressives" And The Globalist Elites Violate The Moral Principles Of The Seven Laws

October 3, 2022

Rabbi Chananya Weissman (whom I greatly esteem) has written two articles explaining the failure of the "progressive" cult and the covid cult to live up to the Israelites' '10 commandments.' But, as a non-Jew, and knowing the vast majority of people, and also of "progressives" and covid cultists to be non-Jews, I will provide my own thoughts on the ways in which the modern "progressive" society has denigrated to the highest degree the non-Jewish seven commandments (which God commanded all of non-Jewish humanity after the Great Flood).
The Law of Courts/Justice [Not the fake "progressive" "social justice"):
This law requires, at its most basic level, courts to be established in every major city to execute violators (with one or more trustworthy witnesses) of the seven laws (this includes this one's negative aspect, which prohibits certain forms -- which ones, I do not know yet -- of injustice). One general principle which may be derived from this law is that all of society must be actively involved in upholding the Deity's laws and ensuring that morality is upheld in all areas (and that evldoers are punished and not coddled).
The "progressives" deem the mere idea that any of the Deity's laws should even be suggested to be fulfilled (such as the prohibitions of cursing God, worshipping things other than God, male homosexuality, vaccine murder, socialism-inspired theft, and this very law, which requires the enforcing of these things) to be a horrible offense (since their aim is to, in spirit, rebuild the ancient Tower of Bavel, so, to overthrow the True Deity). Any moral restrictions other than the ones they devised themselves are impediments which must be despatched immediately.
The idea that one can be executed for any crime, let alone some of the aforementioned, to such "progressives" is loathesome, because they "love" life (why they then murder the innocent and wicked alike with injections they falsely call vaccines is surely a mystery...) so much... And if they get outraged because someone verbally or in writing expresses their "homo-phobic" opinion to no harm of anyone.. Then all the more must they freak out at the idea that men who have sex with each other, with a trustworthy witness (which is quite a lot to ask for in this case albeit), should be executed (as God commands).
The permeating of wickedness into institutions, government/court systems, and society, is the complete violation of the law of courts.
The Prohibition of Cursing God's Name (Blasphemy):
This law prohibits anyone from verbally, in a specific format, asking God to curse or strike himself (which is also illogical and impossible). The broader moral lesson teaches against despising and having spite for the Almighty, and waging war on him and the purpose of the world in creation (summary: don't intentionally defy God). One of the main ideals and goals of the "progressive" people is to wage war on the Deity, influenced by the nation of Amalek (its current major incarnation being in the top globalists in power such as Klaus Schwab and more), whose ultimate desire is to wage war on God and his purpose for creating the world. He also desires to drag down everybody in the world to the lowest levels of evil and impurity so they can also become soldiers against God (who cannot be affected and who is willing his 'enemies' into existence in the first place; they have no power or independant existence outside of God) and can be easily enslaved and killed without much resistance. Typically, Amalek goes after Jews first (such as when they tried to genocide all of Israel right after they left Egypt, the Purim story, the Holocaust story, etc.), because they are a "light to the nations" which influences all the nations to do good and fear God (the opposite of Amalek's goal).
Indeed, the modern "progressives" do have relentless efforts to drag down and [morally] destroy orthodox Jews.
Anyway, the following (only the tip of the ol' iceberg, of course) are 'anti-God' efforts and things being pushed with extreme vigor at the moment: the war on the traditional family; the war on sexual morality, which includes homosexuality, trans-'gender'-ism (so many girls at my school are gay or 'trans'...), sexual promiscuity, and more; the idolatrous "covid" injections; the whole "depopulation" (eugenics/genocide) thing, which includes anti-child propaganda and "euthenasia" (eugenics); the idolatrous globe-Earth, heliocentric deception; the myth of "evolution" (pseudoscience); the "big bang" hoax; the non-stop propaganda trying to claim all the current evils are actually what God wants/what the Bible/Tanakh instructs; the war on the nation of Israel (God's emissaries and "representatives" in this world); the "eat bugs" agenda; et cetera.
Society is being taught to continuously rebel more and more against the "oppressive" traditions of our ancestors, and against God himself. I witness it all around me now: the world is being destroyed and I just get to watch as, nearly, "all flesh becomes corrupt on the Earth."
The Prohibition of Worshipping Something Else Than The True Deity (Idolatry):
This law strictly forbids worshipping (through four particular methods or in its otherwise customary way of being worshipped) anything that isn't the true Deity. The broader lesson teaches that to God alone belongs all praise, since he is the source of all reality, that all other things are not to be put above Him (for He is above all), and that having delusions/false ideas of how the world is ran is harmful. It should be noted that while blasphemy is spiteful and angry against God, idolatry can often be done with intentions of goodness and truth (don't mean it is though).
The "progressives" may sometimes pay lip-service to the Almighty while they promote the covid shots, LGBTQWERTY+++ abominations, child murder ("abortion" [of a child's life]), "depopulation," destruction of any of the natural orders that He created (such as the family structure or the roles of man and woman), etc., but really they, at best, elevate whatever their own personal evil ideas are above the Bedrock of reality. This is also a form of blasphemy, but, when it's not really done with intentions of spite against God (just out of evil idiocy), it is especially also a subset of idolatry (worshipping the various modern false deities like the government, the rich and powerful, the Science, Equality, Equity, Tolerance, Love, and the rest of their panetheon, above the only real One who speaks all into being).
One who tries to shove evil agendas into the mouth of God is kinda committing both a form of blasphemy and of idolatry (not the actual legal aspects of the seven laws though, necesarily).
The Prohibition of Forbidden Sex (Sexual Immorality):
This law strictly forbids sexual intercourse between six specific pairs of partners (a man and a man, a man and another man's wife, a person and an animal, a man and his biological mother, a man and someone who was once or still is his biological father's wife, and a man and his maternal sister). Broader lessons from this include that sex is a holy thing and the divine procreative energy should not be wasted/defiled, that man and woman exist, as real, objective categories, that marriage is a real, divinely ordained thing which should not be interfered with, and that sex should be limited and controlled, so that we control our sexual urges and use them for holy purposes, and that our sexual urges don't control us.
Need I really explain how the "progressives" violate this law's principles (and legal aspect)? Well, I will.
The "progressive" stance is that we are sexual machines who have been "oppressed" by "traditional morality" for thousands of years, and that, now that we are being "liberated" (from God's moral laws), we shall be absolutely permitted (and encouraged and even coerced at times) to engage in the most abhorrent sexual acts; the human imagination is the only limitation on what sexual things are possible. Sex is no longer a holy thing which must be restrained and enslaved by our intellect to only be used for our moral and spiritual benefit (like a beast being harnessed to draw a plow, instead of running wild), but a wild thing which must be the centerpiece of our focus and identity and completely unhinged (like a wild beast, which is what the "progressives" believe we are lower than). Marriage is an outdated and oppressive concept which must be destroyed, for everyone should have sex with everyone else, and everyone should involve themselves in constant orgies with strangers, sex now not being a thing to bond a man and his wife and to procreate, but just a thing to be sought for in itself (the procreative effects to be destroyed and any possible offspring murdered).
Furthermore, now "man" and "woman" are meaningless concepts, ultimately "oppresive" and outdated, now replaced by "gender-fluidity" and "free" "gender expression." Everyone, as a consequence, is really supposed to now be an androgynous lump, a gray blob devoid of any real meaningful identity (because now true identity has been replaced by "identity," which consists of nothing in particular, for all should be the same, homogenous 'entities,' the only differences between these 'entities' being their pointless labels with no definition -- e.g. labels for "gender," "sexuality," "race," etc. -- and perhaps these 'entities' will in the end still be permitted to have names [which are also probably oppressive]).
To quote the ancient black magician Yeshu'a (often called "Jesus"), according to one Gnostic text (which contains much, much more insane, unhinged stuff which shows, about modern "progressivism," that there is nothing new under the sun -- I mean, just read some of it; so much of this modern sexual/"gender" depravity is straight outta this text; of course, that's because the elites who have been pushing and causing all of this depravity for over a century are Freemasons, and Freemasonry is heavily related to Gnosticism), "Jesus said to [his disciples], 'When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom.'"
It sure seems Yesu'a would be havin' a field day, were he not to have (thankfully) died nearly two thousand years ago.
The Prohibition of Murder:
This law strictly forbids killing someone, or putting someone in immediate danger or a deadly situation and they die, except for in very specific cases (including killing a pursuer who is trying to kill you, an executioner justly killing the guilty, etc.). The broader lessons include that human life is sacred and holy and made in the divine image, and it should be treated as such, and thus to endanger someone's life is a grave sin.
The "progresives" love, love, love the act of killing unborn babies. They become excessively enraged when one even expresses the view that killing children may actually be wrong, and they fight desperately, at all costs, to ensure that this act of human sacrifice (to the elites who despise human life and wish there was less of it) is protected and freely granted to any and all who desire to have their offspring slaughtered. They even have fake "experts" of various religions, as well as of the True Deity's law, publicly pretend that killing children is sanctioned by pretty much all gods, as well as God. They must ensure all people of all belief systems are equally on-board with slaughtering babies. They also have fake "science" and "studies" intended to confirm to the more "skeptical" that the children whose limbs are dismembered and whose skulls are crushed with metal instruments are actually mere "clumps of cells" (which is a meaningles phrase which can be applied to every and all multicellular living beings with, from the flea to the adult human). In fact, to them, ultimately, all humans are worthles animals anyway, but they usually avoid saying that.
Indeed, to them, having children is an outdated and "oppressive" concept, too, especially since children are like filthy vermin to them (although now that the WEF is promoting eating bugs, I guess vermin ain't so bad...). Just look at all the propaganda against having children, and even for having pets instead of kids (check out the "cute" propaganda in favor of having pets -- so cute and adorable! -- versus the mainstream news' opinion of children: a set-back, a vile parasyte to the mother, a cancer)! Like children are lower than dogs: dogs are superior to them to humans! One is no longer childless, but "child-free," like a child is a slave-master or a dead weight -- garbage. They often moan about how there are also "too many" people in the world, making it sound like humans in general are like -- again, garbage -- which must be "taken out."
The "progressives" also often believe that "euthenasia" (eugenics) is a wonderful, merciful kindess, when, really it is destroying a human's, made in the divine image, life which has a divine purpose to accomplish a spiritual goal in this world. The person may be "atoning" for sins from a pervious life through the ailments which make them "useless eaters," or any other divine cause, but then the medical eugenicists just wipe them out. It is not merciful at all to deprive someone of life, which is the only state in which a person may gain merit to get a portion in the "world to come."
Finally, for what I'll mention for now, the "progressives" sure love them covid shots! They're "safe and effective [at sterilizing or killing you]." The "progressives" never did any deep thought or study to make sure the barely tested (and by the most dubious of people) shots actually didn't just destroy innocent lives when they rolled them out on everyone in the world. Indeed, [mass-]murder.
The Prohibition of Theft:
This law strictly forbids taking someone else's property without their consent. Broader moral lessons include that we should be kind, giving, and selfless to others, placing others' needs above oneself, and that people are divinely given the allowance to own property, which is another unique feature of man: that he has a higher level of control over nature and of the world, and thus he can claim ownership of things in the world, the way an animal can never, since it has not the requisite mental capacity to "own" anything; anyone who wishes to infringe upon someone else's ability to own any of their property or property in general is wishing to violate this divinely ordained system (of people owning property).
But, according to the WEF, by 2030 (part of Agenda 2030 I suppose) "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy." Check out this article by the WEF (on Forbes), where it is claimed that by 2030, one will own nothing and have no privacy, and one will think "life has never been better."
They wish to enslave us and make us like cattle, and thus we will not need any things of our own. They wish to become gods (HA!) -- which was tried already with the Tower of Bavel incident, which failed (God confused the builders' langauge and scattered them all over the world and destroyed the tower), but, yes, man is trying that stunt again -- and they wish to destroy the true Deity's natural and moral order (more than it already has been destroyed) and enslave everyone like the world's never before seen.
If we have "thought crimes," we won't even be able to use our toasters (since the elites will really own everything) [to toast our cockroach-'n'-grasshopper-bread...] in the morning (because they will read our thoughts with nano-tech under the skin, which will control our social credit scores). Talk about infringing on man's divinely ordained ability to own property!
The Prohibition of Eating Meat From a Living Animal:
This law strictly prohibits eating flesh that was severed from an animal before it fully died. Broader moral lessons include that man shouldn't be like a barbaric beast who is on such a low level of existence and godliness that he eats his prey before it even is dead, that man must use his environment and the resources God gave him for only holy and pure purposes -- also that God imposes limits on how we interact with the world and other living (and non-living) things, not us -- and that man shouldn't torture or abuse animals (or men). Furthermore, flesh is a very holy thing, even from beasts, being that it is living material and has a divine soul in it (as Bereshis 9:4 says "But meat with its lifeforce [or soul], which is its blood, you shall not eat"), until the animal dies, so we shouldn't descecrate it by eating it while it's still alive! Such holy things, with the divine spark of life in it, are unfit for being consumed, as it completely descecrates the divine aspect within. I mean, it gets turned into feces. That is impure (spiritually), whereas the divine spark of life is pure (spiritually) by nature.
Initially for me, it was harder to see how the "progressives" (or the globalists/Amalekites whom they worship) would violate this one, especially when they seem to worship beasts and devalue man below the level of beast, but now I see:
Firstly, the evil globalist people in power, such as Anthony Fauci (may he repent for his crimes soon or be obliterated from the Earth for all eternity), abuse animals. Just look up (in case you somehow haven't heard) "Fauci beagles" on Google (or whatever search engine more appropriate for use by someone who agrees with what I'm writing). And, seeing as all these super high-level elites are Freemasons, one can only imagine what evil rituals they peform in secrecy...
Anyway, to speak more broadly than about Mr. Fauci, the "progressives" believe that living flesh and blood is such garbage that it's alright to put evil nanotech in it (from covid shots and from transhumanist implants), as well as saturate it with radiation like 5G without having any concern for the fact that they're descecrating the holy, life-giving substance, blood. Getting a covid shot is like pouring impure filth (it's not like that; it is exactly that) into or onto holy matter (blood).
We must constantly interfere with the holy blood that the Deity put into us by getting injection after injection, and tons of nano-tech into our systems at all times. And we must (cruelly) "test" (not like they don't lie when the results aren't in their favor) covid shots and other evil things on animals.
Bill Gates (may he sincerely repent to God or otherwise very soon disintegrate into ashes and melt away into hell) is taking flesh from living creatures and growing meat in a lab from it (the fact that it comes so close to, or even may entirely be, violating God's command, is a sign that He doesn't want us doing this).
Finally, this prohibition from the seven laws also teaches that we should eat pure things, not disgusting, impure things. The soul is pure, so it is also defilement to eat impure things (it's impure to eat living meat, even though the soul in the meat itself is spiritually pure) or eat in a barbaric and disgusting manner (again, like eating living flesh). And, lo and behold, the "progressive"-worshipped [obso-]elites desire for us to eat disgusting and loathesome things, like cockroaches (the first thing I think when I see a cockroach isn't "yummy!" but "disgusting!") made into various products and "cockroach milk." These are all assorted observations, indeed, which may not be as central to the "progressivist"/globalist/Amalekite plans as what I noted for the other six laws, but, indeed, they still can't be acquitted for even one of the seven laws; their "revolution" ("New World Order") is entirely, through and through, wicked, and may God confuse their plans soon and burn them (the unrepenting wicked to are waging war on God) all in the deepest depths of hell and leave their corpses rotting for eternity, and may they lie in disgrace and abhorance for all mankind (a reference to Yeshayahu 66:24, which appears to speak about the army of Gog and Magog).
Indeed, the anti-God regressives and their Freemasonic-Amalekite leaders are masters of evil, not being innocent when considering the moral lessons behind any of the seven commandments. They have no merits, and they are just waiting to fall. May God bring their miraculous and spectacular demise this year!
The Tower of Bavel project was flourishing and grand and it really seemed that, yes, there would be a "New World Order." The tower was being built, and the transhumanist-globalists (although they knew that the Earth wasn't a globe) of the time deluded themselves into thinking they were going to overthrow God and become gods.
And one day God descended and confused their languages and the tower was miraculously destroyed. The clock is ticking for their modern counterparts...