(Yes, I'm writing a lot of posts in this short time period.)
It's considered child abuse to not let your child leave their house for weeks, months, or years, when they didn't even do anything wrong to merit being "grounded" for a day. "You can't see your friends, or step anywhere outside of our property until some unspecified point in a long time." Obviously abuse.
So, why is it suddenly not abuse when its done in the name of "covid-19"?
"The mainstream media and the government told me to lock my child in my house for weeks and months."
As a side note, why do these people believe that if "scientists" claim something, it's automatically true??? I guess I'll have to recount what happened with the prophet Eliyahu:
Eliyahu was a true prophet of the true God in times when Israel was overrun with the idea pushed by the elites of the time, including the King Ahab and the queen, that Baal is god. Eliyahu told King Ahab to gather everyone at mount Carmel with the 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah. Only the 450 prophets of Baal showed up. Eliyahu challenged them to create an offering to Baal, and he'd create an offering for the true God. Whichever god would consume the offering by fire would be considered true. Despite the outnumbering of Eliyahu, the true prophet, 450-to-1, Eliyahu was still a true prophet, and Baal was and is no god. God then devoured Eliyahu's offering in a great spectacle that everyone witnessed.
Hopefully a much greater spectacle will be made very soon out of the modern elite-hired intellectuals.