Alleged Foundational Falsehoods of 'Creationism'

Created on Elul 23, 5781

AronRa, an atheist Youtuber, has a video series in which he presents a list of alleged foundational falsehoods of 'Creationism' (it is inaccurate to label a single fact as an 'ism', akin to calling the fact that Joe Biden is the president of the United States 'Bidenism' [not that I've heard anyone use that term before]). I will be analyzing each one and showing either that its truth is irrelevant to the fact that G-d created the world in six days, or that it is not a falsehood. Let the debunk commence!
#1: 'Evolution = atheism': I disagree that the theory of evolution can only be accepted by atheists. Whether or not it can be, however, has no binding on whether or not the world was created in six days.
#2: 'Scriptures are the word of G-d': This one isn't a falsehood, as it can be shown to be true. Dovid Gottlieb has done so via his 'Kuzari Argument'.
#3: 'Human interpretation = absolute truth': The written Torah was given at Sinai, alongside the Oral Torah (now in written form also: the Talmud), which included interpretation of the written Torah.
#4: 'Belief = knowledge': We can, in fact, know that the world was created in six days, because that is what the Torah (the ultimate and always correct authority) says.
#5: 'Evolution is a religious "ism"': That is indeed a falsehood, but nonetheless was the world created in six days (as it is irrelevant).
#6: 'Evolution must explain the origin of life, the universe, and everything': It indeed must not, but whether or not it must has no bearing on whether or not the world was created in six days.
#7: 'Evolution is random': I won't even discuss that claim because regardless of whether or not evolution is random, the Torah says the world was created in six days.
#8: 'Mutations are rare and always harmful decreases in genetic information': Also is it a falsehood, but nonetheless, the Torah says the world was created in six days.
#9: 'No transitional species have ever been found': Also is it a falsehood, but nonetheless, the Torah says the world was created in six days.
#10: 'The evolutionary ‘tree of life’ is nowhere implied either in the fossil record, nor in biology': Also is it a falsehood, but nonetheless, the Torah says the world was created in six days.
#11: 'Macroevolution has never been observed': I would agree that this too is a falsehood, but whether or not evolution is how some modern species arose, the Torah says the world was created in six days.
#12: 'Creationism is scientifc': Perhaps it is not scientific, but the Torah, being that it is always correct, says the world was created in six days.
#13: 'Evolution is a fraud': I would say most people who claim evolution to be how all modern life arose are not actively lying. Regardless, the Torah says the world was created in six days.
#14: 'Creation is evident': The Torah says the world was created in six days, so indeed is it evident.
#15: 'Evolution has never been proved. It’s still just a theory, not a fact': The fact that the world was created in six days has been demonstrated to be true (because the Torah says it is). Therefore the idea that all modern life arose via evolution has been disproven.