1 - In the beginning, there was a singularity which existed through no external cause.
2 - Then it exploded into a very quickly expanding, maximum-entropy energy expanse, due not to any particular cause. And the maximum-entropy energy expanse became more ordered, and subatomic quarks formed.
3 - And then the quarks formed into protons and neutrons and electrons formed as well, from the primordial energy as well.
4 - The particles formed into even more order, forming molecules of gases. And the molecules of gases formed into suns.
5 - And the suns emitted more heavy elements, metals. And these metals formed molten planets, of lava.
6 - And two molten lava-balls collided, one being the molten lava called "Earth"; this deposited further minerals on the earth, and caused the moon -- which has the same size as the 400-time larger gas ball 93 million miles away in the sky, due not to any intelligent cause -- to form, also a molten lava ball.
7 - And many asteroids collided with the earth, depositing water on earth, as well as carbon dioxide.
8 - And the molten lava cooled, with the water staying on top in some parts, and the solidifying rock staying on top in other parts.
9 - And on the sterile rock, many amino acids naturally formed (though the laws of nature only permit such to occur once, explaining why no such thing may be seen to occur today), and bonded to form RNA which then became DNA, and around it -- and all of this happened simultaneously. And also the cell membrane formed too; and all of the parts of an organism formed together, in place, to create life.
10 - And the rest of the cell, organelles and all, formed simultaneously, and at the same exact place, and the first lifeform was formed! And none of this happened through any intelligent cause.
11 - And the cell survived to reproduce -- it naturally formed so as to allow perfect reproduction -- and occasional mutations would occur in the genes, causing other forms of life to exist.
12 - And these microbes turned much of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into oxygen. And then, through mutations, some organisms began to respirate, breathing oxygen now. And this is the origin of how oxygen became plentiful in the air.
13 - And the organisms mutated further, and diversified out into billions of species of life, of all shapes and sizes. And yet this, too, had no intelligent cause; it only happened through random chance.
14 - And perfect ecosystems formed, with now vegetation and insect and microbe and dinosaur and more. And then an asteroid came and destroyed most life on earth, leaving only a few to reproduce and repopulate the earth.
15 - And apes formed naturally, through random chance, and, also through random chance, apes became men who walk on four legs, and they began to, through no intelligent cause, only random chance, speak intelligent words, and to become intelligent creatures.
16 - And the people discovered technology. And they began to create cities and write and read, and they -- such the fools they were! -- thought that they were not formed through random chance and natural processes, but were created divinely.
17 - And such became the prevalent thought among the evolved monkeys -- which are also only evolved microbes.
18 - And a randomly evolved man whose randomly evolved father named him Charles Darwin thought, "Perhaps all life came from one common lifeform."
19 - And he was correct! And the forces of truth -- that all formed through no cause -- began to have a chance to stand against the forces of lies -- that all had an intelligent cause.
20 - And today you read this on the device which a randomly evolved bacteria-then-fish-then-monkey-then-man invented: the truth -- the truth, that all formed through random, acausal processes.