Recently have I been consuming much content pertaining to the topic of autism (because I am autistic; thank God, not that it matters that much) and I have been having this once unexplained feeling of distain towards much of it. I think the answer lies in the topic of idol-worship, but firstly, however, I will describe the type of content I am referring to.
I am not referring to inaccurate content about autism (Applied Behavioral Abuse, Autism Speaks [שם רשעים ירקב], "everyone's a little autistic", etc.), but content based on alleged science and fact. I am referring to content such as TED talks about autism, posts on r/Autism, and such. A great example would be an article from NeuroClastic called "7 'Cool' Aspects of 'Autistic Culture'" (apostrophes added). It lists various made-up words to describe autistic tendancies (the most popular of which, however not exactly mentioned in the article, being "stim"), such as the tendency to eat the same food several days in a row; they (the "autistic community") aptly coined the term "samefood" (and an accompanying Tumblr hashtag). Another one of these terms is "SpIn", which is an abbreviated form of "special interest." At least that one is more versatile than "samefood." The article (in my opinion) is a near-asinine collection of foolish and cringey terms coined by an also foolish thing called "autistic culture" (akin to "LGBTQ[IAPP]+ culture").
So, why is it for which I have such a distain of this autism-related content? I believe the answer is that in such content, autism is an idol (not literally a god, and not something forbidden by the prohibition of idol-worship, but something treated with over-importance). People have attributed their entire personalities to autism and one has even referred to a "diagnosed at 20 gang" (a "gang" of people who were diagnosed with their idol, autism, at precisely age 20). People often over-identify with autism, making a subset of their character traits the only set of traits they identify with, or attributing all traits to it (autism). Extreme significance is put on the division between "neurotypical" and "aneurotypical", like it's the division between Jews and gentiles.
In an article ("Idolatry: Blurring the Limits" ) on Seven Laws Blog UK, David said:
"What is a characteristic of idolatry? It is where an individual takes a limited entity and then believes that the limits of that entity no longer apply and can be exceeded, even though, in reality, the limits have never been removed. Based on this belief, the individual gives that entity unwarranted praise and forms unrealistic expectations about that limited entity."
This quote is relevant to those who place over-importance on autism.
And for those looking for a more literal autism idol (a physical one, a flag that one can bow down to and worship), take a gander at these posts:
Flag 1
Flag 2
Flag 3
There are many more, by the way. (Side note: I fucking hate how the infinity symbol is used as the "autism symbol," partially because, as far as I know, the infinity symbol has a connotation of superiority. Also, "we" don't need a fucking symbol.)
In conclusion, we shouldn't further divide humanity into "neurotypical" and "autistic" groups, like how we don't divide the world into "astronauts" and "non-astronauts". And focusing on autism for an extreme amount of time is an extreme waste of time.