The Hebrew Bible Was Written By No Globalists

August 30, 2024

In my previous article, I wrote about the Gnostic and Satanic falsehood being promoted by Eric Dubay on YouTube (not to mention IFERS), wherein I discussed his theory that the Hebrew Bible was written by the same evil ones as engineered the spherical-earth deception; but I did not go into detail on the said matter, which I will venture to do in this article.
One primary agenda among the NWO is that of Depopulation, which has been affected since about a hundred years ago in full swing (including such measures as the social engineering project known as feminism, whereby the family structure began to be weakened; the sexual revolution; toxic agents being mixed into municipal water supplies; toxic substances being sprayed in the sky by planes; propaganda concerning "climate change," whereof one supposed remedy is to produce fewer offspring; and the normalization of homosexuality and gender dysphoria), and which is vehemently contested throughout the Hebrew Bible, though presumably Eric Dubay would have one believe otherwise.
For example, in B'reshit 1:28 (whenceforth I will be using a modified form of Jeff Benner's Mechanical translation for the Torah) it says, "[A]nd Elohiym said to them, reproduce and increase and fill the land and subdue it, and rule in the fish of the sea and in the flyers of the skies, and in all the living ones treading upon the land;" thus, at the very beginning of the whole Torah, reproduction and having as many offspring as possible is stated as a direct instruction from God. A very similar instruction is repeated to Noahh directly following the great flood.
If the Torah were written by globalists, in the narrative with Avram and Sarai, instead of them yearning to have a child and rejoicing at once when informed that the latter will miraculously be impregnated, they would be perfectly content with no child at all, for according to the globalist propaganda, it is virtuous for a married couple to remain what they despicably refer to as "child-free;" and as such, Avram and Sarai would have felt no particular pressure to have any child, nor would the child be seen as a blessing from God.
Furthermore, after Sarah deceased, Avraham went on to beget six additional sons, thus a total of seven, which certainly no globalist author would have written for a character meant to be a role model and exemplar for the readers to emulate.
Also, in the narrative of Ya'aqov and his two wives and their handmaids, he is recorded as having begotten twelve sons and one daughter (though there may be reason to suspect that he had additional daughters unrecorded, but of that I am unsure), which exceeds the globalists' preferred limit by ten (for one is directed to bear no further than roughly three children in current times, which already is seen as an excess).
Lastly on this matter, the Torah forbids homosexuality as well as adultery, two things which the globalists have promoted in order to destroy the family unit and thereby the population as well as the stability and cohesion of society. While on the matter of the stability of society, whereas the globalists have consistently encouraged the youth of each generation to view their parents' ways as primitive and to ridicule them, the Torah says both "Honor your father and your mother so that your days will be made long upon the ground which YHWH your Elohiym is giving to you" (Sh'mot 20:12) and "Each of you [i.e. the people of Yisra'el] will fear his mother and his father, you will safeguard my Shabbats, I am YHWH your Elohiym" (Wayiqra' 19:3)
Another massive agenda of the globalists is to bring about worldwide communism and the end of private property, whereas the Torah has many strict rules about the treatment of each person's property; for example, it says "You will not steal." (Sh'mot 20:15) and "You will not crave the house of your companion, you will not crave the woman of your companion, and his servant, and his bondwoman, and his ox, and his donkey, and all which belongs to your companion" (Sh'mot 20:17).
The globalists also desire to forbid consumption of animals as well as any nature of fire, for the alleged reason of "climate change"; but the Torah permits, and in fact requires, the people of Yisra'el to eat animal flesh, as well as to burn animals on the altar of YHWH. "And you, you will direct the sons of Yisra'el, and they will take to you the refined and crushed oil of the olive for the luminary, to make the lamp go up continually" (Sh'mot 27:20). And "[T]he fire upon the altar will be made to smolder on it, it will not be quenched, and the Kohen will burn upon it wood every morning, and he will arrange upon it the ascension offering and he will make the fats of the offerings of restitution burn as incense upon it. The fire will be made to smolder continually upon the altar, it will not be quenched." (Wayiqra' 6:5-6)
Now what is of great significance is that the Hebrew Bible, in fact, does concur with Eric Dubay (and myself) that the earth is flat.
For instance, one word used throughout the Hebrew Bible to refer to the sky, raqia', means "sheet; something beaten or stamped out," which implies a flat surface, but not any manner of spherical enclosure which must be imagined to exist, encompassing he entire spherical earth.
And in T'hilim 19:6-7 it says "For the sun [God] has placed a tent, and he is like a bridegroom going forth from his bridal canopy, [and] he rejoices like a strong one to run the course;" which evidently referrences a geocentric cosmology, which is confirmed by what is said in Y'hoshua 10:13: "And the sun was still and the moon stood until the nation avenged their enemies;" wherein it is assumed that the sun and moon revolve obove or around the earth, not the other way around.
And finally, as regards this matter, YHWH told Mosheh to summit Mount Nevo and behold the entire land of Yisra'el from there. "And Mosheh went up from the deserts of Mo'av to the hill of Nevo, the head of Pisgah, which is upon the face of Ye'rey'hho, and YHWH showed him all the land, the Gil'ad until Dan, and all of Naphtali, and the land of Ephrayim and Menasheh, and all the land of Yehudah, as far as the last sea, and the south, and the roundness of the level valley of Ye'rey'hho, the city of date palms as far as Tso'ar" (D'varim 34:1-3); though he could not possibly have seen anywhere near such a distance if the horizon were truly a geometric feature of the earth's alleged curvature.
And so in all of these counts, it is evident that the Hebrew Bible was not written, as Eric Dubay espouses, by some globalist deceivers or any nature whatever of conspirators with intent to deceive; but rather, as it is clear to me, it is the direct revelation from YHWH to Mosheh, which if followed would be the veritable antidote to all of the NWO's plans and their whole regime, for then God would destroy them all at once.
And so by insinuating that the Hebrew Bible was written by evil deceivers, and promoting Gnostic and demonic agendas, Eric Dubay has been only marginally censored and his content permitted on YouTube, while other channels which speak more in earnest are quickly deleted off the site for stating the same things as he is.