The wicked, anti-God regressives have invented a new word for women now that they destroyed the English language with their "gender" nonsense: "birthing people." It is the "inclusive" (except for women who don't like being called that, of course) version of the gender-exclusionary "women."
I don't know what they call men, but as a male human being, a boy, I sure as hell don't want to be called a "semen-emitting person," God forbid! What a horrible term! I'm way, way more than my ability to create and emit the life-giving substance; I'm a human, made in the image of the Deity, with an individual divine purpose in the world, meant to be: the financial and physical provider for a family (God willing I may be a father and husband one day), the mighty protector of a family, its guardian, with physical and certain mental strength in ways women don't have, a father who should teach practical wisdom to his children, and the Man of the household (God willing some day!). And, yes, "semen-emitting person" is exactly the same as "birthing person," just with men.
"Birthing person" reduces a woman down to her ability to produce offspring, as if she is a mechanistic robot meant only for pumping out babies and once she reaches infertility, THROW HER OUT! And what about women who can't give birth at all? Trash, I guess, from the very outset.
But no (thank God!), there's way more to a woman than that one (still very wonderful) function: she should be a mother, the bedrock and emotional support of a family, the wise one who balances the not-so-thought-out descision-making of the husband, the master of the house, who nurtures the children in her unique special motherly way, softly and gently -- unlike the cruder nature of the father -- who takes care of the house, cooks the meals which are delicious sustenance for the family, and directs the family toward God always. (The gender and feminist ideologues always make motherhood out to be like slavery and torture, when it's actually a beautiful and wonderful thing when not portrayed as it is in their God-forsaken propaganda.)
Amalek wishes always to destroy Godliness and the image of God in the world, to make everyone like a degraded animal with no divine purpose, a pile of filth no better than feces, able to be destroyed no with no less guilt than one who steps on an ant; to them, all should be a mechanistic dystopia of robots and machines, rather than a society of Godly human beings with the divine image. They hate God so much that even seeing human beings alive is a nightmare, since it's a constant reminder of God, as everyone is made in His image.
God will wipe Amalek out some day soon, and finally, His throne will be complete.
See Rabbi Smith's website, where he, amongst other things, goes into detail about Amalek and his nature.