In my former writ, I wrote about the Gnostish and Satanish falsehood being forthput by Eric Dubay on YouTube (not naming IFERS), wherein I bespoke his beholding that the Ebrish Holywrit was written by the same evil ones as crafted the ballearth lie; but I did not go into depth thereumb, which I will forthfare to do in this writ.
One foremost end among the NWE (New World Endbird) is that of Unfolking, which has been dealt out since about a hundred years ago in full swing (alongside such plots as the folkshaping craft known falsely as Womensrights, whereby the kinframework began to be weakened; the heamedwharft; baneful antimbers being mixed into boroughish waterstows; baneful antimbers being spread in the sky by flightcrafts; wharftle over "weathershift," whereof one betold boot is to beget fewer offspring; and the mainstreamening of samehoadedness and kin selfhatred), and which is mightily befought throughout the Ebrish Holywrit, though guesedly Eric Dubay would have one believe otherwise.
For bisen, in Kindbook 1:28 it says, "[A]nd God said to them, bear wassom and eken and fill the land and overwin it, and wield in the fish of the sea and in the flyers of the skies, and in all the living ones treading upon the land;" thus, at the utter beginning of the whole Teaching (Torah), begetting and bearing as many offspring as mightly is boded as a straight hest from God. A like bidding is eftsaid to Noahh right after the Great Flood.
If the Teaching were written by Oneworlders, in the tale with Avram and Sarai, instead of them yearning to have a child and mirthmaking at once when betold that the latter will wonderfully be barnekened, they would be fullfremdly glad with no child at all, for going by the Oneworlders' wharftle, it is worthful for a wedded twosome to abide what they so evilly call as "child-free;" and as such, Avram and Sarai would have felt no sundry weightiness to have any child, nor would the child be seen as a blessing from God.
Furthermore, after Sarah forworthed, Avraham went on to beget six other sons, thus a tale of seven, which asoothedly no Oneworldlish writer would have written for a hoad meant to be a bisen and anlikeness for the readers to clove.
Also, in the tale of Ya'aqov and his two wives and their handmaids, he is bewritten as having begotten twelve sons and one daughter (though there may be grounds to inkle that he had further daughters unbewritten, but of that I am unsicker), which overgoes the Oneworlders' given fetter by ten (for one is bidden to bear no further than roughly three children in anward times, which already is seen as an overflow).
Lastly hereon, the Teaching forbids samehoadedness as well as wedbreach, two things which the Oneworlders have forthput that they might fordo the kinly oneness and thereby the folkness as well as the fastness and selfcleavingness of the folk.
While on the word of the fastness of the folk, whereas the Oneworlders have wontly goaded the youth of each kinrun to besee their elders' ways as backward and to belaugh them, the Teaching says both "Worthy thy father and thy mother that thy days be made long upon the ground which He-Who-Is thy God gives thee" (Outgangbook 20:12) and "Each of you [i.e. the folk of Yisra'el] will fear his mother and his father, ye will keep my Rests, I am He-Who-Is your God" (Priestbook 19:3)
Another great plot of the Oneworlders is to bring about worldwide Redness and the end of leedy ownership, whereas the Teaching have many stern laws about dealing with each man's aught; for bisen, it says "Thou wilt not steal." (Outgangbook 20:15) and "Thou wilt not crave thy fellow's house, thou wilt not crave thy fellow's wife, and his thew, and his bondwoman, and his ox, and his ass, and all which belongs to thy fellow" (Outgangbook 20:17).
The Oneworlders also wish to forbid eating of deer as well as any kind of fire, for the betold grounds of "weathershift"; but the Teaching gives, and insooth needs, the folk of Yisra'el to eat deerflesh, as well as to burn deer on He-Who-Is's weved. "And thou, thou wilt bid the sons of Yisra'el, and they will take to thee the honed and squeezed eal of the ealberry for the light, to make the candlestick go up ever" (Outgangbook 27:20). And "[T]he fire upon the weved will be made to smolder on it, it will not be quenched, and the priest will burn upon it wood every morning, and he will set upon it the rise-offering and he will make the fats of the offerings of atoning burn as stoor upon it. The fire will be made ever to smolder upon the weved, it will not be quenched." (Priestbook 6:5-6)
Now what is of great weight is that the Ebrish Holywrit, insooth, does thwear with Eric Dubay (and myself) that the Earth be even.
For bisen, one word used throughout the Ebrish Holywrit to name to the sky, raqia', means "sheet; something beaten or stampen out," which betokens an even bred, but not any kind of ballish pen which must be weened to be, umbfanging the whole ballish Earth.
And in Loavesongs 19:6-7 it says "For the Sun [God] has set a tield, and he is like a bridegoom going forth from his bridish bough, [and] he glews like a strong one to run the lode;" which blatantly bespeaks an Earthmiddlish rodderlore, which is upholden by what is said in Y'hoshua 10:13: "And the Sun was still and the Moon stood until the theed wroke their foes;" wherein it is foredeemed that the Sun and Moon wend above or about the Earth, not the other way about.
And lastly hereon, He-Who-Is told Mosheh to climb Barrow Nevo and behold the whole land of Yisra'el from thence. "And Mosheh went up from the weastens of Mo'av to the hill of Nevo, the head of Pisgah, which is upon the ansen of Ye'rey'hho, and He-Who-Is showed him all the land, the Gil'ad until Dan, and all of Naphtali, and the land of Ephrayim and Menasheh, and all the land of Yehudah, as far as the last sea, and the south, and the trendledness of the even dale of Ye'rey'hho, the borough of fingerapple palms as far as Tso'ar" (Lawclovebook 34:1-3); though he could not mightly have seen anywhere near such a farness if the skyline were soothly a shapelorish mark of the Earth's betold byedness.
And so in all of these reckonings, it is blatant that the Ebrish Holywrit were not written, as Eric Dubay bespeak, by some Oneworldish lyers or any kind whatever of forswearers with will to swike; but rather, as it is clean to me, it is the straight wraying from He-Who-Is to Mosheh, which if followed were the soothfast atterloath to all of the NWE's plots and their whole wield, for then God would fordo them all at once.
And so by quething that the Ebrish Holywrit were written by evil lyers, and forthputting Gnostish and devilish plots, Eric Dubay has been only mildly forholden from speech and his films let on YouTube, while other theets which speak more in earnest are quickly striken off the webstead for bespeaking the same things as he be.