May God help any who may read this to understand what I have written and to think rationally, and may He help them not to be overly stubborn.
To Those Who Still Want To Get The Covid Shot 'Boosters'
October 3, 2022
If you know anyone who needs to see this, ya might wanta send it to 'em...
Somehow people are still taking covid injection 'boosters' in 2022, the government having recently released their 'bivalent' boosters. So, if anyone is thinking still of getting one and is reading this, please, hear me out -- this post is for you -- and please don't immediately tune out everything I say or automatically trash it (saying it's merely a 'conspiracy theory'), but listen and think carefully. This is a life-or-death matter.
Who's Funding This?
First in this article about the covid shots, I'd like to cover who's funding them. To list some peeps involved, we have:
The World Economic Forum and fellow rich people. The WEF was founded by Klaus Schwab, remember. One classic quote from the WEF is "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy." [Why these multi-multi-billionaires are said to look out for our well-being, I have no idea. Just think about that for a sec. People with hundreds of billions of dollars and who work with almost all the rulers and governments of the world have no reason to look out for our well-being, AT ALL. The US government DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ITS CITIZENS. Bill Gates (who has more than a hundred billion dollars and so much power) DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU. The company Pfizer, who can't be directly sued for any vaccine damages mind you, DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU.]
The United States government. Since when has a government cared about its people? Almost never, especially when they're as big as the US. I don't need to go into all the loads and loads and loads of evil they have committed over the years, and all the shady stuff...
Pfizer. Pfizer cannot be sued directly for any vaccine damages; the US government bails 'em out instead, when it comes to most vaccines, but then with the covid shots, it appears not even they pay you... Keep that in mind. And since when do extremely, extremely wealthy pharmaceutical companies care about their customers (companies exist to make money)?? Just look at THIS. The article speaks of how a girl had terrible, horrible (debilitating) side effects of the covid shot in a Pfizer "clinical trial" (do you think they just tell the truth??), but it was just recorded as "abdominal pain." See, they really care!
The Chinese Government. They required (and quite likely still do) people to get the injections, forcibly. Why would the Chinese Communist [WEF-allied] Party care SOOO MUCH about its people that they'd make them take these wonderful, expensive shots?? It's like if Kim Jong-Un mandated his serfs to get a massage and pedicure every half-year, or if Pharaoh, at the time of the Jewish exodus, said "I decree that every Israelite be fed a delicious meal with delicious dessert, every month, on the house [the royal wealth]!" No, that wouldn't happen. And if they wanted to keep people alive (from a very mild and not-so-murderous virus anyway), they wouldn't have (they may have gotten rid of it, but still) the one-child policy.
Donald Trump. He's a big covid shot proponent. Why does this arrogant, evil Freemason (at least most covid shot lovers love calling him evil) love it so much, when he's supposed to be a "far-right" guy? Now, for some reason, they're (the mainstream media) blaming him particularly for rolling out the covid shots way, way too quickly, when they were covid shot bootlickers almost from the beginning. But yes, Donald Trump is almost infatuated with that damn shot.
Side Effects...
Read THIS article, which talks about various people, indeed more than one person, who died within an hour after getting their covid shots. One woman died WITHIN SEVEN MINUTES of getting her 'bivalent booster' shot. And notice how people are just "suddenly dying" ALL THE TIME nowadays. Yes, it's true.
See THIS (a 23-year-old woman was unable to walk and was experiencing convulsions within a month after getting her FIRST covid shot), THIS (Pfizer document shows 8 pages of covid shot side effects, 1223 fatalities during 3-month period; you name a disease, it's probably on that list; some things on the list cause death, such as 'acute myocardial infarction,' AKA, heart attacks; it also has 'Embolic cerebral infarction,' AKA strokes, and something called 'multiple organ dysfunction syndrome'; that's from PFIZER THEMSELVES), THIS (father whose child got myocarditis from the shot calling the pharmacist), THIS (part 1 in a series of articles showing how fake rabbis and Jewish organizations were bribed by the government to even PAY JEWS $100 to get the shot!), THIS (an article about the covid shot nanotech; includes real photographs [via microscope] of it), THIS (more about the covid shot nanotech, and it again includes real microscope photographs, showing the inorganic electrical wiring of an object present in the shot), THIS (a doctor who promoted the shots publicly is now speaking out because he discovered what really caused his father's death, which was six months after his shots, and was from artery blockage), THIS (Steve Kirsch's vaccine safety info is refused to be looked at by the CDC and FDA), THIS (why most doctors DON'T speak out), THIS (mortality rates in the UK are lowest among the unvaccinated), and THIS (includes a list of over 1000 studies which report that the covid shots are dangerous).
[Forget the """fact-checkers"""; see who funds them and know they're being payed. This means their "FACT-CHECK" articles are worthless propaganda. The fact that dissenting voices are censored, and that they aren't being bribed to write about it makes the dissenting sources more trustworthy. They write independant thoughts, while the mainstream media writes from scripts from their evil paymasters.]
"I Haven't Died Yet"/"Everyone I Know Is Fine"
Indeed, it is unlikely that you will immediately die after getting a shot. It's still very possible, as shown with the above material, but you'll probably be 'fine' (externally) for a while. If you don't want any chronic illnesses, you should really avoid the shots, because, as some of the authors whose material is linked above write about, the effects of the shot are permanent. And it's already risky to get the shot 'cause you still have a non-negligable chance of, some day, maybe even a year, two years, ten years later, just "suddenly dying." And remember, it's only been TWO YEARS since the shots were rolled out, but the effects are already becoming much more noticeable (most people who die from the shot die months after) as time goes on.
So, while it's unlikely you'll die from the shot within two years (even that I can't really say), you're probably shortening your lifespan and contracting more permanent damage by getting shot again. It's only been two years, so most people (thank God) haven't experienced much in the way of visible symptoms (of the shot), but no-one knows how it will affect a person three, four, five, ten, fifteen years down the line...
And the effects get worse every extra 'booster'...
"Why Would They Lie?"
You DON'T need to know the motive to know the crime (that's like asking for a motive when you see a dead body before you believe a murder occured), and asking one to ponder about strangers' motives is not always wise, but here are some reasons that I believe are a part of the equation:
The lower-down-the-line people make money from their superiors (just read Rabbi Chananya Weissman's articles, also linked above, about how the government was paying BIG sums to some organization to get tons of orthodox Jews in Brooklyn jabbed);
Their superiors make money from their superiors;
Their superiors (if you go all the way to the top of the chain) want to 'depopulate' the world. They admit this. They speak of wishing the world population was way lower all the time. The covid shots kill people (and it's only been two years!) and sterilize people.
They [the top-level people] want more control;
They want to install nano-technology in you (yes, the 'Fact-checkers' said it was false, but THEY WERE BEING PAYED TO SAY THAT!!! Their meaningless say-so doesn't beat the real proof linked in articles above);
They want to create blood-clots in people.
And more, of course, but I'm done for now with speculating on strangers' (I've never met them either) intentions, when the crime is obvious nonetheless. [And have you ever heard of any nice, loving, caring dictators, aristocrats, kings, and royalties any time before right now, who just care about their subjects? Hell no!! All throughout history is nothing but evil, corruption, conspiracies [yes, those are real], power-abusing, and kings oppressing their subjects. What has changed?? Nothing at all.]
What Now?
After seeing all that (tons of information), I'd like you to let the ideas (and facts) simmer in your head. And pray to God sincerely to find the truth. God listens to your prayers!!!
There's a Jewish tradition that, in the End of Days, the Biblical nation of Amalek (who wages war against God in every generation, and this often involves genocide [see the Purim and Holocaust stories, as well as how they tried to wipe out Israel right after they came out of Egypt]) will have worldwide domination, right before his destruction. The people who are at the top of the power-chain are waging war against God and committing genocide, worldwide. There is nothing new under the sun.
So think!! About this stuff. There's another Jewish tradition that in the End of Days, the truth will be VERY hidden. It will be EXTREMELY hard to see. This was all predicted thousands of years ago. DO NOT FRET!! Staying with God (whose seal is TRUTH) and being on his side is what a person needs to do to navigate what's happening right now.
So pray. And pray.. And keep praying..