Previously, the difference between the sensitivity of CowTypes MS (Mild-Sensitive) and NS (Non-Sensitive) has been a "gray area", but this paper outlines the process through which their sensitivities can be studied and quantified. A major finding is that the average MS cow is twice as sensitive to Buttscratch as the average NS cow. The final point of interest is that cows, within ~ one minute of waking up from CowSleep, are significantly less sensitive to Buttscratch, than cows who have been active for ~ one hour. All of these findings were obtained through examining two cows, one an NS cow, and the other an MS cow, and collecting five pieces of data for each of them. Two pieces of data out of each five were obtained while the cow was within one minute of waking up. The cows were Buttscratched, and how long it took before the cows became overwhelmed from the Buttscratch is what data was studied. The average time (without the "waking up" sensitivity data) before becoming overwhelmed was calculated for each cow, with the methods described in this article.
Two cows of differing CowTypes were studied. They were of the NS and MS CowTypes. Each cow was Buttscratched against the direction of the CowFur, using the CowStandards Association's standard ButtDestroy Power Scale's "Medium-High Medium" Buttscratch power. The time taken before each cow entered the OverwhelmedCow CowState, after each Buttscratch began, was noted in a spreadsheet, rounded to a tenth of a second. This process was done five times for each of the cows, two of the five times while the cow was within one minute of waking from the CowSleep CowState. All other data was collected while the cow was in the CowAwake CowPhase for at least one hour. A cow was considered to have entered the OverwhelmedCow CowState once the cow cowed or made a noise indicating an overwhelmed cow.
The spreadsheet with the data from the study can be seen here. The time before overwhelming varies significantly even when only the data from cows awake for more than an hour is used, ranging from 1.2 to 2.3 seconds for the NS cow, and 0.5 to 2.4 seconds for the MS cow. Mostly, the times before overwhelming for cows awake for less than a minute exeed the longest times for cows awake for more than an hour. The longest time before overwhelming is 6.5 seconds, from the NS cow while awake for less than a minute, and the shortest time before overwhelming is 0.5 seconds for the MS cow, awake for more than an hour. The average times before overwhelming when including data for cows awake for less than a minute are at least 0.4 seconds longer than the averages without those data. Lastly, the NS cow's average time before overwhelming including data collected while it was awake for less than a minute is exactly twice as long as the MS cow's corresponding average. The average time before overwhelming for the NS cow, excluding data collected while the cows were awake for less than a minute, is slightly less than twice the MS cow's corresponding value.
(C) 2021 Bose Education Center International