From being spoonfed ideas and ideologies by mainstream media, one might end up thinking that very few people are actually on the other side, that their dissenters are only fringe minority voices, drops in the ocean. Until very recently, I wouldn't have struggled to believe that no-one who went to my old middle school (which I graduated from a little more than a month ago) actually sees things even close to how I do. Until I had several conversations with an old friend who I've known for a while who does similarly (not extremely alike to the way I do, but that doesn't matter) see the lies and evil of modern "progressivism" (Seems that's all I talk about on this site anymore, isn't it? To be fair, one can't ignore it completely..). I've known him for years, but this was not very expected. He's got a similar upbringing (and he's still growing up, as with I; we're 14) to mine: "progressive" parents and peers (all of them), with all real-life influences leading to "progressivism" (I gotta stop using that dang word). I can't imagine either of us personally know any peers other than each other who are dissenters from the modern "liberal cult" (that's what I'll call it for the moment); maybe for him. I don't really know.
But ya' never hear of dissenters other than in derogatory contexts in the mainstream media. And yet they exist and in a great quantity, but spread out and alone. People ought to get together and fight for truth; that ain't how it's going though. I'm mostly alone in this venture of truth, but, only now, after I see one peer who is on my side, it's kinda getting to me. I'm absolutely powerless individually, it seems (it isn't actually true, thank God). Again, finally, this loneliness is finally getting to me. God willing, it won't affect me much, though. Isn't it a test from God? (Yes, it is.)
But, come on, think about it: an entire giant group (I can assume; I mean the numbers are so uncertain) that's barely acknowledged to exist. How could that be?!?
God expects me to fight in whatever tiny way I can, even though I can't possibly win. God will win the war himself. The Jews in ancient Egypt didn't win themselves; God fought and won for them.
For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble. And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of Hosts. (Malakhi 3:19)