Eric Dubay, whose YouTubestream with over 200,000 underwriters has rownily aboden standing for a tide of six years without forstopping by YouTube (whereas other truthtelling streams wontly get forstopped much quicklier, for bisen Kyle Adams one-and-a-half years ago, and A Call For An Uprising every few months), along with speaking what I believe to be truth about the antimber of even Earth, has other stuff of much more fishy kind.
Some of his films are about how the Burntoffering did not befall and how Adolf Hitler were insooth a heleth standing against the Freemasonish wieldsill, whereof he was insooth a limb, as well as a rowncraftsman in his own right. Furthermore, a great deal of his films are about rowny and ghostly lore that bespeaks or betokens these beliefs:
1) That every lief on Earth has been shapen by the same brotherhood of evil folks who crafted the Ballearth falsehood. In so doing, he underdelves (again) the Joudish Torah lore and reckons it to be like all the other lieves. He bethinks the Torah as having been written by some kind of lyer(s) (which is hogwash, given that the whole Torah staddlely withgoes the NWE (New World Endbird) plot, its ends, and the folks behind it; as long as his listeners be swicken into this lie, he is let to abide on YouTube, at the little fee of some folks' belief in the thother, which the evil ones can forleese in this fall). He, ayen, offers the only soothfast truth, seemingly, when has truly fangen no witydom to uphold his words, no straight wraying from a higher ord to soothe that what he is saying isn't only bespun reasowing.
2) That the world we bow is a kind of a evilwillingly crafted Hell, which he calls the "soul trap quith [matrix]," into which everyone gets alway edfleshhamed for the end of pining, wrought by an evil, devilish god. Swithly bewitchingly, this belief that the world be an evil wick of needless pining falls straight in line with the NWE unfolking plot, as can be seen with Eric Dietz Goldberg's (further forseeking is needful, but let me only say that I wouldn't be taken aback to find he were a Freemason) Stop Having Kids webstead, where the selfsame thing is given as ground not to bring children into the world (couldn't MIGHTLY be that he's only a fore for Plot 2030/25! Sickerly he's dealing in earnest... Aren't you, Eric? And I'm talking about Dietz Goldberg.). It is no stretch of the mind to think that an wontly watcher (and worship-follower) of Eric Dubay would choose not to have any children after learning how seemingly awful this "soul trap quith" is.
3) That our belief of God was also shapen as a lie to (somehow) trap folks from breaking free of this great foken, whereas the "sooth" god is an evil being, some kind of devil, from whom we must free ourselves (through his wonderful rede), which in being is a make of Gnostishhood/Satanworship. And, what a ferly: this belief eke falls in line with the NWE plot, for when folks wend to God and thew Him instead of backsliding into our own selves and Ihoods, their wield will be fordone.
So, in endsay, Eric Dubay can't mightly be a shill. There's nothing much to see here, folks. /s