Me Against The Unfoldingliever

Ereyule tithe, two thousand four and twenty

Setting One

Me: "Yeah, I underfang that the world was shapen by God in six days, like the Holy Book -- an angettle reckness writ from the One who soothly witnessed the world being shapen -- says."
Him: "Thou daft stunted dolt! Thou only BELIEVEST what some old book says!?! It's only a silly old tale!"

Setting Two

Him: "Hey, didst thou know that a shootingstarling sixty thousand thousand years ago slew 'the entasks' and that we are afterbears of apes and froshdeer and stafflings and that men having a tailbone soothes that 'we' once had tails? Pretty cool, right?"
Me: "Thou daft stunted dolt! Thou only believest what some unknowing taletellers bethink in their minds and think it's not only 'Witship' but also 'truth'!?! How is that mightly any better than an angettle reckness writ wrayed from God, the sooth Shaper of the world!?!"
Him: "Uhmmmm, it's WITSHIP!"
Me: "How is that witship??? Witship needs eftenliness and fanding! Dost thou even know what the witshippy cost is??"
Him: "Well, I don't know but The Witshippers do know, and how could so many folks be unright??"
Me: "And for that antimber, at least I truly can tell you right why I trust the angettle reckness writ of the Holy Book, but thou seemst to have no thought why any of those utterings thou madest are 'true'! Thou only BELIEVEST THEM!.. Well! Asoothe to me that 'we' unfolded from apes."
Him: "Ok, I will!... Well, we're alike to apes and a lot of folks -- Witshippers -- said it, and, oh I don't know the grounds and don't have a clue why it's true, but there're SO MANY DEALS OF TOKENING!"
Me: "Well, the tokening thou gavest was a laugh! Two things being alike has no bearing on whether or not one 'came from' the other; that's called a not-follower -- sundrily the upholding the aftercoming witcraftish misnimming -- another retching is that God wittingly shope apes and men to be alike. And thine other uttering, that whatever a team of folks believes, if they clepe themselves Witshippers, must be true, does the becleping to swinge witcraftish misnimming -- even a fourfold thousand folks can all be unright! If all thy "SO MANY DEALS OF TOKENING' are that groundless, then it's but a house of cards!"
Him: "Well, there's but SO MUCH MORE TOKENING that it be true, though!"
Me: "Like what?"
Him: "I'll only say one more thing:.. THE ANSENSTONE RECKNESS!"
Me: "What about it? Also calling it a 'reckness' brooks the thying the ask witcraftish misnimming -- thou art calling this heap of dead deer a 'reckness,' when it's only a manhandled tale -- undergoing sickering sway and chirsepicking, as well as 'for-this' retchings for any findings which falsen unfolding -- that only the priests who choose the lore the mainstream hears have togang to in all likelihood (and hence is but worthless hearsay, sundrily since the loresmen who quethe it 'soothes' unfolding have a forestanding sway and tale in mind when they look for the 'seething'), and which also still wouldn't soothe unfolding, as the endbird of bones and liches in the ground tells nothing about the frumth of the deer (sundrily when there was a Great Flood which upstirred the whole world) and one can make up nearly any tale to evenly retch the endbird (which also isn't everywhere the same) of deer buried, showing that it's not seething, only a mightly retching, which is neither witship nor truth. If the rest of all this 'mounds of tokening' be evenly as misnimful, the whole tale is truly but a worthless lief made up by Freestoneworkers (such as Charles Darwin) and those with a plot, and which is upheld by unknowing halfwits and those who already believe the tale to be true, so all lore to them is already seen in the light of 'unfolding,' meaning it's not truly selfstanding and unswayed truth, but smackbound and worthless makebelieve."
Him: "Thou truly dostn't 'get it.' Thou'rt not a witshipper!"
Me: "Well, seenly I understand thine own tale much better than thou dost... And I foreguess by 'witshipper' thou art only betokening witshippers who believe in thy unfolding tale? Although, being that the witshippy cost can only be noted to shape a retching for an eftenly happening -- and thine unfolding tale is not eftenly -- they don't even rime as true witshippers."
Him: "How darest thou foredeem that thou'rt smarter than The Witshippers!? And nearly all witshippers underfang unfolding, so The Witship isn't as todealt on this antimer as thou'rt making it out to be.."
Me: "So what if even all the 'witshippers' -- I've already reared that it's not true witship -- in the world thasledge on one thing? Nem back to the becleping to swinge misnimming, and also to the flite to the folk misnimming, which is where something is said to be true for either most or all folks believe in it; and that's what thou'rt doing here, saying that for most 'witshippers' -- and limbs of the ilk 'witshippy rearedness' will blatantly mostly thwear on the same middly troths, in this stead, of unfolding -- thwear that the 'beholding' of unfolding be true, it must be true."