I made this horrible joke article on Shevat 2, 5781, adding occational edits.
(no te: this lits is enspaird by wachmogo)
nuber 10: 420 the epic funi nuber
numbor 9: 42 thats' a cule funni namber
nubber 8: 42069 tha'ts a cambainashion of too funi nuber's!!!!
numbe 7: 69420: i fR*CKING LOEV THIS EPIC FUNI NUMER ITS AN EVNE BETER VIRGIN OF THE 42069 naber!!!!!!!!!
numbre 6: e thats oilirs' nuberr (only intilechuils wil git this won) but "E" is a cule funi mark-I-plyer meem
numbar 5 (5 IS 1 MORE THAN 4 AND FORE IS THE FRIST DIJIT OF 420!!!): 666 its' the nomber of the beats!!!
mumber 4: 79 (caus if yu ad up all the nummer in the alfabbet of teh word funny yu get 79 (wich is 10 more then 69!!!)
nunber 3: 4269 that won is just 42 and 69 togeter !!!
numer 2: 489 Thats 420 adn 69 added togetehr!!!!!!
bumber 1: 21 THATS ONES IS AMAZING AQND ITS 9 + 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps thanks to wachmojo they make riley cool top 10 liss and smash the mnoahttyphyckaeiyschyiuhnn-bel-butun!!!!!