READ RIVKA LEVY'S BLOG POSTS (starting with the one linked, and go back in the series), to get a better understanding of the "Chatam Sofer" to British, Welsh, etc. royalty connection. Her genealogy articles are a must-read, especially before reading this post.
George Soros is one of the wealthy, wicked people who is running the world right now. Let's go from him to the Jewish 'mixed multitude/erev rav' (read Rivka Levy's blog) family of the Sofers.
George Soros's father is Tivadar Teodor Soros. His father is Moritz Mor Dov Schvarz/Schwartz. His father is Menyhert Menachem Mendel Schwartz. Isn't the 'Menachem Mendel' interesting? As in Menachem Mendel Scheerson? There must be a relation.
Anyway, go back to Moritz Schwartz, and his mother is Eszter Schwartz/Sternberg. Her father is Naftali Antal Sternberg. His sister is Miriam Sofer-Schreiber, the wife of Rabbi Shimon Sofer-Schreiber, the son of the famous rabbi, the "Chatam Sofer" (Moshe Sofer-Schreiber).
Follow him up a little ways and you get to Rebbecca Shaw. Now Rivka's article carries on from there, to get all the way back to British, Welsh, Italian, etc. royalty...
And me and my mother are actually descendants of William the Conqueror...
August 9, 2023:
I saw something in the ancestor report of Moshe Sofer: (in Hebrew letters) Rabbi Yisrael Shneiur (or "Schneer").
I looked, and, lo and behold: he actually is an ancestor Menachem Mendel SCHNEERson.
There's also 'Lipschitz' (which may be related to Jonathan "Eybshutz").