God is currently decreeing upon the world very harsh judgments, like has never been seen since at least the Great Flood. "For some reason" only the wise and a few 'woke' people see it, but all can really understand that at least something very harsh is happening at the moment in the world (some say it's the fake, government-climate/weather-engineering-caused 'climate crisis,' which requires we stop driving gas-powered cars, stay in tiny 'zones' in our cities, eat cockroaches and 'eiver min hachai' lab-grown fake meat from 'Kill' Gates and Amalek -- of which he is one member). Most don't see God in the picture, even the so-called 'religious' people, even some of the most 'awake' people (many of them can be just as spiritually asleep and bankrupt as 'woke' people -- maybe because 'awake' and 'woke' have the same literal meaning...).
But God helped me today to really understand how He is the ONLY one bringing all this wickedness up, for only a divine purpose, which reflects the spiritual state of the world right now (morally/spiritually bankrupt). "There is no-one else but Him' (God), and this ALL comes ENTIRELY from God; to assert otherwise is idolatry. As soon as enough people make repentance, all of the wicked people will be 'stubble' and 'ashes' (see around Malachi 3:19-22), and they will sink like lead in water (see the 'Song at the Sea' in Shemot chapter 15) -- this is what Tehilim chapter 90:3 ("You bring man to destruction and say, 'Return, O sons of men!'") means.
Through prayer, repentance (and I mean SINCERE repentance, where you actually change your ways, not just recite pretty words without going through with them, like one who gives an offering to God on the altar when he hasn't actually done any real spiritual work; that practice is condemned very much by the prophets -- and prayer is 'like the bulls of our lips' [Hoshea 14:2]), and charity, all harsh divine decrees can be nullified.
NOT through Donald Trump, Elon Musk (both controlled opposition), stocking up on guns, 'voting' (which is just a show now, and illusion, because the wicked people just pick who they want behind the scenes, and 'both parties' are almost always all the same people from the same, wicked source), calling for civil wars, QAnon (more controlled opposition), or whatever other non-prayer/repentance/charity/righteousness option.
The republican party is just as wicked as the 'other' democrat party, and the Bible says "Don't put your faith in rulers/princes!" (Tehilim 146:3)
The WEF and UN and globalists and Amalekites and Biden and Xi and Trump and Trudeau and Klaus and Yuval Harari and all those other wicked people are just God's puppets! They have NO POWER, WHATSOEVER beyond what God allots them. They -- just like how ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, etc. in the ancient days were merely God's vehicles for punishing and bringing harsh decrees upon the Jewish people -- are just God's instruments of judgment and curse and his channels of his harsh decrees.
The covid shots are no different from the plagues on Egypt -- they're God's direct manifestation of spiritual judgments and curses. As Rivka Levy points out, so many awful things -- WEF-planned worldwide famine, WW3, 'monkeypox' worldwide tyranny, etc. -- that seemed imminent, have been forgotten about and have been 'canceled' (by God). This is because more and more people are returning at least somewhat to the truth, and prayer, repentance, and charity overturn the most harsh judgments/decrees.
Anyone who's afraid of the WEF and UN and Amalekites and Klaus, etc. is exactly the same as one who is afraid of the (WEF-engineered) 'climate crisis,' and 'covid,' and that stuff.
Anyway, God has currently decreed (but this CAN BE OVERTURNED through the aforementioned things) some of these things: that the people in the world are unworthy of eating meat (which He gave for man to eat right after the Great Destruction, Bereshit 9:2-3); that the people of the world are unworthy of owning private property; that the people of the world are unworthy of driving gas cars; that the people of the world are unworthy of the most basic freedoms (and now the 'Kingdom of Evil' is the one oppressing the world, and it is also called, according to what was quoted in the article, the 'Kingdom of Haman-Amalek'); that many, many people should die or go ill (again, through his puppets, the wicked people) -- as it says, "There was no house in which no one was dead," (Shemot 12:30) and "We are all dying" (Ibid. 33); that the people of the world are unworthy of having rational, coherent sense (so, like the root of the world 'Bavel' [see Bereshit 10:9] -- "Balal" in Hebrew, which means 'confuse,' 'mix,' 'confound,' etc. -- most people are all confused in all possible way, so confused that they don't know what a man or woman is, etc.); and many more harsh decrees (and this is also God's decree; it's only by God's decree that this current state of confusion has arisen).
God willing, I will be able to make repentance, and pray with great devotion about these things, and give to charity.
God willing!