It is said by this new generation (of which I am a part) that God is "outdated" and that we will become gods and the masters of "morality" (like Nimrod and the Tower of Babylon, since there is nothing new under the sun), and that God and the faith thereof is "primitive" and "on its way out." We see this with the LGBTQWERTY+++ evildoers and the human-sacrifice doers (there is nothing new under the sun) and the transhumanists and the "public health" tyrants who push God out the health picture (and make instead themselves the gods which are forbidden to defy, like Nevuchadnetzar in Daniel chapter 3, with the golden statue) and all the other wicked people (may God swiftly uproot them and "leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord, Master of Legions" [Malachi 3:21]). And these evildoers claim that God is outdated (which Jewish tradition says Haman argued to Achashverosh, that "God is old [and weak]", and boy was he wrong!).
Let this verse always be on our minds: "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God." (Tehilim 42:3) As ALWAYS, God will yet again uproot all the evildoers (may it be soon), for he is the living God, unlike the dead idols of humanism, which will forever dissipate by God's wrath, whenever he says, "Enough is enough!"
Anyway, when one ever calls me "homophobic" or "transphobic" or whatever, I should, with God's help, remember to calmly say, "The Lord is with me and I shall not fear." (Tehilim 118:6) [PHOBIA means FEAR]