The People Who Act Like Animals

January 15, 2022

Warning for those "neurodiversity" proponents out there: I'm going to sound "ableist" in this post. But I'd rather sound "ableist" than not speak about a topic I find to be true (truth over emotion and feelings).
And in general, I'm going to be calling some "autistic people" some things considered to be rude. This post ain't gonna be "politically correct."
Anyway, I wrote about this topic previously, in my post called "Even More About Autism: Failing To Live Consistently In The Image Of God." This is also now my fifth post about the "autism-sphere" (see a definition of the term at the aforementioned post).
So, I've seen and heard of people, cretins, honestly, who have this mental illness, one that I also have, called "autism" (a mental illness is essentially just a condition wherein a person has mental impairment, and in my own experience, I definitely see impairments that come from "autism," both in me and in other people). Well, it's more of a category of illnesses.. But, anyway, I see some people with this illness who... are.. idiots. There's this one woman (I mentioned her in that aforementioned article about the image of God) who often fails to demonstrate the ability to pay attention to anyone for any significant amount of time without asking someone how much longer it will take (As if they would know! Ha!) and without trying to interject some completely asinine thoughts or questions. This person seems unable to