A year (and maybe several weeks) ago I was effectively an idolator. Not by the letter of the law, not one who physically bowed, prayed, sacrificed to or worshipped physically at all. What is idolatry? It is when one places some entity above God or "dethrones" God from his proper place in their worldview. It also includes making some creation to be a much more powerful or godlike entity than it actually is (like saying a tree has the power to curse or bless people). This extends, indeed, to philosophical idolatry, not just physical worship of something.
A year ago I worshipped mainstream "Science" (capital S of course), making the [pseudo]scientists out to be as if dieties or angels, impervious to all biases, errors, and agendas, just masters and purveyors of the "Truth" (capital T). This went so far as to place them beyond God himself, as I believed in the pseudoscientific big bang and evolution story, saying that the Jewish traditional creation account can be interpreted non-literally (if that was applied to the whole Bible and Jewish tradition, it would be all worthless, as everything would be open to each individual's personal whim, with no objective and truthful interpretation; it would not be able to teach anyone anything they don't already "know").
I despised so-called "anti-vaxxers" (of which I am one now) and anyone who didn't completely and utterly submit themselves and bow down (metaphorically) to the "scientist" priests, government, and mainstream media. Anyone who doubted the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and the covid injection: EVIL!!! Anyone who refused to wear the dehumanizing face-coverings demanded for "covid" purposes: EVIL!!! Any dissenters of any kind to the mainstream cult: EVIL!!! But atheists, idolators (which actually includes atheists), millitant LGBTQQQSSSS+ proponents, and those who despise God himself: *Shrug* They're alright.
I watched many atheists' videos and read tons of filth on the so-called "RationalWiki" (may God curse it, that loathesome pile of shit) and steeped myself in spiritual impurity dare I say, just the bottom of the barrel of nihilistic and atheistic garbage, while still accepting God and Jewish tradition, somewhat. I actually am kinda making my old worldview seem worse than it truly was, but, no, especially under the surface, it was as I described it. Dare I say that I was also an arrogant fool a year ago, more so than a 13 year old should be? Well, I said it.
The worldview I believed in a year ago was horrible, detestable, filthy, spiritually impure idolatry. Thank God I will never ever go back to that cult! Thank God I began a journey away from that cult just about a year ago! And yes, even this I could only accomplish with God's help and divine providence.
The journey back to sanity (I would say I was relatively sane two years ago) started with me discovering a year and several weeks ago the blog I have mentioned here many times, David Dryden's Seven Laws Blog UK. Initially I read it mostly just out of spite and scorn, writing idiotic comments on it expressing my disapproval of the forbidden thought-crime ensuing on the blog, but I gradually found it more and more to have interesting things and truth, from a man who I could see was more than just the "IDIOTIC ANTI VAXXER ANTI SCIENCE IDIOT!!! HAHAHA!!" guy as I initially thought. By the first day on the Jewish calendar year of 5782 (September 6, 2021), which I mention because it's the year God judges the world and each person and sets decrees and plans for the following year, I had a much wiser and less cultlike understanding of things, and by some time in December, I believe it was, I had went so far as to accept that the covid injections were poisonous, because the aforementioned blog had rational thoughts and arguments against the mainstream narrative.
Today I found myself reading briefly about "structured water" (which I believe has some basis to it) and ancient Egyptian electricty and possible knowledge of manipulation of atomic structures. A year ago I would have found these ideas to be "CRAZY ANTI SCIENCE PSEUDOSCIENCE" as it's at odds with mainstream narratives.
The reason I have a subheading under "main posts/articles" on this site's homepage called "This website's 'modern era'" [August 15, 2022 edit: I have now changed the layout so the older posts are at the bottom with the subheading "Old/Stupid Post Archives" instead] is that I just about returned to some amount of sanity from the cult I described earlier by the time I wrote the posts starting there, so they have worth reading besides for comedy and knowing the inner thoughts of an idolator.
"You shall not turn to the worthless idols... I am the Lord, your God." - Vayikra 19:4