Master of the world, who can do anything, please give me the merit to always, even when pressured and threatened internally or externally to sin, fulfill the verse Bereshit 39:8 -- "He refused," which is said of Yosef. Please give me the merit to have the courage of Yosef against Potifar's wife, and to be "Brazen as a leopard, light as an eagle, quick as a gazelle, and strong as a lion in performing the will of [my] Father in heaven" ('Pirkei Avot' Ch. 5).
Please God, because of my great sin, grant me the ability to have no fear of others whatsoever, but to only fear You, God, and to respond to fear of others -- of humiliation, being yelled at, being ridiculed, being forced, or any other thing -- and fear of anything but You, God, which says (the fear), "Do this sin!" with "The Lord has spoken! How can I sin, when he says no? How can I defy the One who sees all, as it says, 'The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, seeing the bad and the good' (Mishlei 15:3)? I may be given temporary calmness in this world, but I won't even have to wait for the next world, when God judges all (as it says, 'The Deity will take every action into judgment concerning every hidden thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil' [Kohelet 12:14]), because I will also suffer from immense guilt in this world too! I will not sin!"
Please God, fulfill in me the verse -- Bereshit 22:12 -- "Now I know that you fear God," when Avraham stood up to his ten trials and even had the courage to offer his son to You, God! Please, if Avraham could stand up to ten great trials, allow me to stand up to measly ones!
Please also give me the strength to not sin even with all the pressure of the world and all the torture and torment and trembling and fear in the world, and please fulfill the verse -- Yeshaya 40:29 -- "He gives power to the faint and increases the strength of the weary."
And please let me fulfill the verse -- Tehilim 27:14 -- "Hope for the Lord, be strong and He will give your heart courage, and hope for the Lord," and -- Tehilim 31:25 -- "Strengthen yourselves, and He will give your heart courage, all who hope to the Lord."
And, God, because of all this, please strengthen me so I should never sin again.