A Prayer For Dorothy's Recovery From Depression And To Be Joyous All Days

By Carol's ("Nonna") grandson, Simon, who will say this prayer every day for 40 days, from February 18th to March 30th, with God's help

Please, Master of the world, Lord of all, give me the ability to say this prayer every day for 40 days with no obstacles and with ease.
Please, Master of the world, please have mercy on Dorothy DAUGHTER OF BLANK (TO BE FILLED IN), to give her great joy all the days of her life, and that she should have the merit to sing and clap and dance every day every minute of the day, and to have complete energy and healing from all struggles, and she should have the merit to say, "Should the Lord forsake me forever, nevermore to be appeased again?" (Psalms 77:8).
In the merit of your 'tzadikim' (biblical word for righteous people), like Rabbi Nachman the son of Simcha and the son of Feiga, and the living 'tzadikim,' like Rabbi Eliezer Berland, who work miracles and who serve you every millisecond, may Dorothy no longer despair and feel depressed, as it says, "Depression comes from the Other Side [i.e. the dark side, side of evil forces] and is hated by God." ('Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom') So please fulfill the verse "Praiseworthy is he who contemplates the needy, on the day of evil the Lord will deliver him." (Psalms 41:2)
And give Dorothy the merit to say every day, "My heart rejoices and my soul is elated; my flesh, too, rests in confidence. Because you will not abandon my soul to the grave..." (Psalms 16: 9-10)
And please, in the merit of my prayers, allow Dorothy to be redeemed from all despair and pain, as it says, "I broke the staves of your yoke and made you walk upright." (Leviticus 26:13)
Amount of days I've said the prayer (tally marks):