Rabbi Nachman And Charles Darwin

March 2, 2023

"Great atheism is coming to the world as a test from on high. The world's many sins are causing a terrible lack of faith. Happy is the person who stays firm in his faith in these times.

The fact that I am predicting this will not prevent the increase of Godlessness and confusion. Long ago Daniel and others made it known that this would happen in the days before the Mashiach. "Many will purify themselves and be refined, and make themselves shining white. But the wicked will do evil. and only the wise shall understand" (Daniel 12:10 ).

Knowing that this has already been foreseen, it would seem that it should not be such a great trial for people to remain strong and firm in their faith. But the truth is that even though the prophets made this known long ago, it will still be a great trial. Many will fall by the way , and that is why it is written: "the wicked will do evil."

I am revealing this for the sake of the few pure souls who will remain firm in their faith. They will certainly face great battles even in their own minds. But when they see that this has already been predicted, it will give them greater strength and encouragement."

-- Rabbi Nachman, Sichot Haran #35.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov ("Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman"), who had many prophetic foresights in his time (just like Rabbi Eliezer Berland, may he live long days and years, does now). One of them was the above, concering atheism coming to the world, which, since his death, we have seen, atheism like has never been seen since the creation of the world.
I'm writing this to publish the observation that Charles Darwin was born in 1809. Rabbi Nachman died in 1810. And Charles Darwin (may he be forgotten and erased) started this whole evolution mythology which has gotten us to where we are today. Thanks Freemasons!