I've received quite a lot of personal opposition from serving God, writing what I write on this blog, etc. God willing, there will be much more (opposition), since there hasn't been any lately, and such opposition atones for sins and humbles a person.
Rabbi Nachman of Breslev and Rav Eliezer Berland (may he live long days and years) say that insults and humiliation and opposition are very great merits, to the point that a person should be going out in the streets begging to be insulted and humiliated. Rav Berland would go and do silly and ridiculous things in the streets of B'nei B'rak so people would insult and mock him and they called him crazy. He did this intentionally.
I was spoken very ill of once regarding this blog, and I felt very bad about it for a whole day, but now I see with joy and love that if not for that, I would have had to face a much worse calamity, God forbid. If not for that, God would have had to bring the harsh decree that caused that ill-speaking in a different, much more painful way, God forbid.
Many people have many sins (including me, especially so many I have not fully atoned for at all...), and they yet complain about all the suffering they have, and they blame it on God. But often, the "suffering" a person undergoes is only 1% of the actual punishment they deserve, but God is giving it to them in the best, most favorable way. This I have learned from Rabbi Nachman of Breslev, his studen Rabbi Natan, Rav Berland and his student Rabbi Shalom Arush (may they both live long days and years).
Thank God for every painful thing, because it's actually very kind on God's part to let you get punished partially for your sins in this world so you don't have to be punished as much in the next.
Formerly, I was writing on this blog about what's called "The Great Reset [A.K.A. the last opposition before the final redemption]" and "The New World Order," and flat earth, and fake climate change, and fake "covid-19" [which has still never been isolated or purified from the fluids of a sick patient], and this LGBTQWERTY++ thing -- but now I think that I am, God willing, going to write more about serving God and the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslev, and about Rav Berland (God willing that will give me more humiliation as well), or at least always tie those matters in with the aforementioned "conspiracies."
I'm working much more on "emunah" (trust and true belief in God), and that all is for the best only. That's how to bring a personal "ge'ulah" (redemption), and then through building your belief and trust in God, then, may it be soon, the final redemption will also come. Amen!