Someone told me I was being too negative and that I was focusing too much on negative things and judgment of other people. So here's an article that is neither "negative" (the way I see that word) nor judgmental of any specific people.
Several months ago, [if I recall correctly] I thought that every immoral action was strictly forbidden by one or more of the seven laws (for gentiles, given to Noach by God), and that things such as lying were "forbidden." I also read some things on Seven Laws Blog UK back when I first discovered the site that discussed lessons that can be learned from the seven laws, but that weren't strictly part of the laws. Example: I read that the law of "Dinim" (justice, judges, laws, courts, etc.) teaches that [paraphrasing] one should attempt to judge truth claims and ideas to most rationally assess the world, so I assumed that when the author of the site went against the whole "vaccine" narrative (and at the time I believed in it), he was violating the actual law part of "Dinim," not just the lesson that it teaches. [I also accused him of violating two other laws. Those accusations were just about equally as dumb.] So, with this article, I want to go into some of the lessons that each of the seven laws teach.
"Dinim" [Justice, Judges, Laws, Courts, etc.]:
Because the law is about judging people accused of capital crimes in a just court, I think we should, as stated above, try to most rationally judge ideas and truth claims, and try to judge our beliefs rationally. If someone says that there is no God, I can look at their "evidence" and judge their argument, coming to the rational conclusion that one who makes such a claim is incorrect.
I think the law also teaches that we should judge people fairly and correctly, outisde of just courts. If I see someone kill somebody, I should correctly judge him as a criminal who deserves execution, even if there is no just court to report him to. If I have a friend who is a "lesbian," I should correctly judge them as... immoral... Sad (because I have such a friend, or at least I call them a friend... Oh, also I "have a crush" on that person...)... "Well, they're nice, and they seem cool." It's against God's standards of morality for two women to be in a romatic and/or sexual relationship. No "well, she's my friend" bullshit (which would also not work in a just court). Judge people justly and fairly.
Finally, judge everything correctly and fairly.
Prohibition Of Cursing God:
I think this law is the law that has the most to deal with controlling oneself and properly acting on emotions and in emotional situations. The law can be violated by someone who is very angry [at God] and/or sad who wants to take out his emotions on God. Let's say your house just burned down, you just became paralyzed from the neck down, and your mother and father just died. You'd be pretty fucking sad and angry. You might want to verbally wish that God, the one who caused the tragedies, harm himself. God harming himself is impossible and irrational, so that part also might come emotionally. Anyway, so, that law appears to me to teach that one should try to always think before they act (not just acting based on pure emotion) and to be rational even in times of extreme emotion and distress. Referring to that whole "meltdown" bullshit that I mentioned a lot in previous articles, this law teaches a pretty relevant lesson there.
I think this law also teaches that we should very deeply internalize the fact that God is entirely good, and that bad things (things that should not have happened) don't happen.
Prohibition Of Worshipping Idols:
I think this law teaches that we should not see the world as being ran by many independant forces, but by one singular, all-knowing, all-powerful, good, God. I think it also teaches that, like how believing that a dot in the sky (a star or planet; I don't believe in "outer-space" anymore, either), a man (Jesus), or a manmade statue is a god is dumb and can lead to capital crimes, one should not attribute great importance to the unimportant (and that one should avoid focusing too much time on unimportant activities and subjects). I recently (yesterday at 1:00 P.M., as of writing [nearly midnight the next day]; wow, it was that recent!) had an unfavorable encounter with that previously mentioned friend whom I "have a crush" on. It was surely undesirable, but it's not very important, so I should treat it as such, even though, emotionally, it was a bit more significant.
[Edit from January 4, 2022: This law is greatly about getting priorities right, focusing on things to appropriate degrees, and not attributing importance to the unimportant.]
Prohibition Of Sex Between Forbidden Sexual Partners:
This one, I think, teaches against letting physical (mostly sexual) desires control us. I can't just have sex with anyone I want. It also includes the controlling of more calm emotions. Someone who feels that they were "born gay," destined somehow to be unable to perform a basic human purpose, has a calm (unlike the emotions mentioned for the prohibition of cursing God section), but strong, emotion. They also must control that feeling. If they fail to, they very well might commit a capital crime.
[Edit, from December 26: This law also teaches that the act of having sex is an important, meaningful, and divine task, meant for creating children. This act is not so mundane that it can be done under any desired circumstances, and between any desired people. Sex between two men or a human and an animal cannot possibly create life, and it goes against our purpose in the world.
Finally, this law teaches that marriage is a very important thing with a meaningful and divine purpose (a thing which should not be done purely out of desire), and thus two married people cannot have sex with other people.]
Prohibition Of Murder:
Imma stop saying "I think" for every one of these.
So, this law teaches that every human has a purpose in the world (not to be confused with their life mattering, which would be if they deserve to live), whether they fulfill it or not, and that that life is sacred, so ending it is ending a sacred, important creation, with a immense purpose; that's bad.
Furthermore, you can't just end a life whenever you feel like, for whatever reason. You can't end your own life because God created us for a reason and to kill ourselves would be to destroy that purposeful creation. We don't own our bodies; God does.
I'm running out of shit to say here, as well...
Prohibition Of Theft:
This law teaches that being selfish is bad. Theft very often comes of being selfish.
It also teaches that one should have empathy for people (maybe the prohibition of murder teaches similarly). If I steal someone's car or even their pen, they're probably going to feel bad. They will not like that I stole it. Empathy.
Finally, of the teachings I'll list for this law here, it teaches that we should be grateful for and satisfied with the possessions that we have, to not be greedy.
Prohibition Of Eating Meat From A Living Animal:
This law teaches about how we should not just do whatever we want with our environment. We should try to maintain our environment and to not damage or destroy it. The Earth and all its animals were entrusted to us by God, and we have to take care of it, because we don't own it; God does.