I truly do not have the greatest struggles ongoing at the moment (praised is God!), but still some more minor problematic matters. If anyone is reading this (I hope God blesses this site with actual readers):
"Ein od milvado" in Hebrew; "There is none other but Him." The notion that anything is beyond God's powers or that some other force besides God truly controls anything in the world is idolatrous. Part of the reason God gives us struggles is so that we may pray to Him, to get closer to Him (there is still much more beyond that for each problem though).
No matter the problem, pray to the Deity. If the problem isn't fixed instantly, don't despair like a fool. Pray again. Pray 5, 10, 15, 20, 100, 1000 times, however many times until the Deity listens and grants us our plea.
I believe men are not meant to cry in the presence of other people, except for when horrible tragedies occur. But for both sexes, emotions build up, and how should they be let out? One way is to pray to God, the One to whom even the mightiest of warriors are like children (really, like nothing), for whatever is bothering us to be resolved, or for help to continue in life with no struggle.
How should one pray to the Master of the universe? Stand humbly and meekly like a child (this step is very hard for arrogant people), and just say, "God, please..." and whatever you want the merciful One to assist us with. Do not stand high and tall with proper posture, but leaning, eyes closed, forward, hands clasped together. The words shouldn't be said like "HEY GOD! YOU BETTER DO THIS FOR ME!!" but softly and slowly like "Please, Deity, assist me in this matter by your infinite grace..."
All problems in life are from the same Source of reality, so if one can help it, they need not even cry when someone dies (I know, the horror) [but they should still feel some emotion]. God never gives us struggles, problems, and tragedies for no good reason.
And remember that God sees all, that nothing is too small to escape his attention.
"The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, paying attention to the good and the bad." - Mishlei (Proverbs) 15:3.