Very often the most paranoid, crazy people -- people who muzzle themselves before they go outside, stay away from and refuse human contact, and get injected with five to six lethal injections, out of fear (of "covid"); people who preach that "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" (in fact, they also make similar claims about "covid") by some arbitrary date in the near future (such as by 2050), due to some "climate crisis," who think that driving a car has a negative effect on the weather; people who spread constant slander of anti-transgender speakers (such as Matt Walsh), such as claiming that "THEY'RE PUTTING TRANS PEOPLE AT RISK OF VIOLENCE!" and "THEY'RE MAKING BOMB THREATS!" (when no such things have occured); people who insinuate that every single statement of disagreement with transgenderism and homosexuality-promotion is "putting [transgenders or homosexuals] at risk"; people who constantly fear-monger about all subjects; people who don't accept God, and who thus believe that there is no force controlling the world and carefully watching over all, that everything that happens must be solely "dealt with" by ourselves, and that everything that happens is undirected (by God) chaos with no divine purpose -- such paranoid people insinuate -- this is called projection (projecting their own problems onto others) -- that people like me -- and I myself agree with Tehilim 118:6, "The Lord is with me, and I shall not fear"; I trust fully in God that everything, even the covid shots, the WEF, the LGBTQWERTY+++ stuff, etc. will turn out for the absolute best and bring the world into the "era of the Messiah"; I know that "Ein od milvado" (Hebrew meaning "there is nothing else but Him", God); I know that God has everything under control and everything that happens is solely by his will; so I don't have fear except but of God -- the paranoid, crazy people love to insinuate (also through propaganda) that people like me are the real "crazy, paranoid [really?], trans-phobic, homo-phobic," etc.
But really, I'm "trans-phobic" and "homo-phobic"? But I'm not afraid of transgenders and homosexuals ("Oh NO! Not the CROSS-DRESSERS AND GAYS!"), and I'm not even afraid one bit of Klaus Schwab and all of his WEF buddies. So why would I be afraid of transgender cross-dressers and homosexuals? Well, those very people really LOVE to project their own flaws (in this case, of fear and paranoia) onto others.
"The Lord is with me, and I shall not fear."