Jonathan Sacks The "Erev Rav"

August 7, 2023

Last night, I was thinking about researching this "Chief Rabbi" of the UK (endorsed by the evil, corrupt, demonic royal family), Baron Jonathan Sacks, who is also a "philosopher" (Rabbi Nachman of Breslev warns very much against philosophy) and "theologian" who went to atheistic schools where one should not expect a holy Rabbi should go to, such as Cambridge and CHRIST'S COLLEGE (I found out about that as I'm writing)... A rabbi learning at "Christ's College"... Wow...
So this morning, I decided to actually start researching, and, through divine providence, this very morning Rivka Levy put out a post that mentioned this guy Yehoshua Zeitlin (never heard of 'em before), with whom I actually found a connection with Jonathan Sacks. God led me to research this in its proper time. Divine providence.
In a comment to her post, I wrote, based on Sacks' Geni tree:

"1: Jonathan Sacks' mother is Libby Sacks.
2: Her father is Eliyahu Efraim Frumkin.
3: His sister is Sarah Riva ZEITLIN.
4: Her husband is Haim Zvi Zeitlin.
5: His father is Yehuda Arie Zeitlin.
6: His father is Joseph Zeitlin.
7: His father is Tzvi Hirsch Zeitlin.
8: His father is Rabbi Moshe Zeitlin.
9: His father is ... YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN of SHKLOV!

Another [ancestor] of Tzvi Hirsch Zeitlin is ... the "MaHaRaL" of Prague!
Wow! What a bunch of "coincidences"!"

Anyway, how could a holy, righteous Rabbi possibly study at Cambridge and CHRIST'S COLLEGE, be promoted by the royal family as a Baron/Lord, who knows way too much atheist/Christian philosophy, and who promotes the fake Big Bang/Evolution deception (another trait of Sabbateans; example: Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz)???
In conclusion, this does not seem like a legitimate Rabbi, but more like a member of the Mixed Multitude (Shemot 12:38).

August 8:
In Rivka Levy's newest post, someone named Rabbi Leib Eskeles of Ostrog is mentioned.
One ancestor of Rabbi Sacks is Rabbi Abraham Zak Zera, Av Beit Din of Ostrog. That might be relevant.
August 9:
Nathan Adler is the founder of the "United Synagogue" of Britain, and lo and behold, he has ancestors with surnames such as Shor, Schiff (a Frankist family), Isserles, Katzenellenbogen (and the "MaHaRaM of Padua), Sofer (not sure if related to the "Chatam Sofer"), and Lifshitz (see HERE)... That's quite a few Sabbatean families. He's also related, interestingly, to the "Baal Shem Tov" who came out of Sabbatean families to "rectify" the Sabbatean "movement."
Also, Jonathan Sacks has ancestors with the surname "Zalman," which may be related to the Chabad families.
Indeed, Rabbi Abraham Zak of Ostrog IS related to Rabbi Leib Eskeles of Ostrog! And "Jacob Frank" was actually called "Jacob Eskeles," at least so it seems. The Eskeles family also connects to the Chabad rebbes.